

  • 国际皇冠app官方版下载申请截止日期



    • 秋季:6月15日
    • 春季:11月. 30
    • 夏季:3月28日

    研究生 程序 deadlines 和 requirements vary by 程序, be sure to visit the 学位和课程网页 你想学习的领域的具体细节.

    If you are applying to a 程序 that requires you to apply for a student visa, the application 和 all required supporting documents must be received by the appropriate 学期截止日期如下:

    • 秋季:6月15日
    • 春季:11月15日
    • 夏季:3月15日


    请浏览 申请到强化英语课程网页 报名截止日期.

  • 申请费

    The $50 non-refundable application fee can be paid using a VISA, MasterCard or Discover 卡. You will pay the fee after you complete all of the application questions 和 提交申请.


  • 成绩单


    • Official transcripts, mark sheets, graduation certificates 和 degree certificates from all colleges/universities attended need to be submitted in an envelope sealed 由发证机构或当地教育部颁发.
      • 美国大学官方成绩单.S. 学院/大学需要直接寄给我们 从该机构的注册办公室. 羊皮纸和电子抄本安全 U.S. 机构可以发送到 international@ycdwkj666.com.
    • All documents issued in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified literal 和完整的英文翻译.
    • We do not require a third-party evaluation of foreign credentials. WES评估 report will be accepted if the report includes a copy of the official foreign credential. 我们仍然会对证书进行我们自己的评估. 我们不接受第三名 来自其他供应商的评估.
    • Students wanting to obtain a teaching license after completing a 程序: For international students or students who hold a Bachelor’s Degree from a non-US institution or in a transcript in a language other than English, you will need to have a transcript that is evaluated by National Association of Credential Evaluation 服务(NACES)成员.  你不需要这个来申请这个项目,但是 you will need it to obtain your Colorado teaching license once you complete the 程序.
    • All documents submitted to us become the property of the 研究生 School 和 国际 录取通知书将不退还给申请人.
    • 正式文件应邮寄至:

    格里利,CO 80639美国


    • Official high school transcripts 和 graduation certificates need to be submitted in an envelope sealed 由发证机构或当地教育部颁发, unless:
      • You have completed more than 30 semester hours of college/university coursework.
      • You have taken external examinations to complete your secondary education (e.g.普通中等教育证书考试, A - level, GCE等.) — please request the official results to be mailed directly to 我们通过外部检查机构.
      • You have completed an 国际文凭课程(DP) — if your results have been released, please request your transcript be sent by visiting rrs.伊博语.org.
      • U.S. high school transcripts need to be mailed to us directly from the high school.
    • 转移 credit may be awarded for Cambridge 国际 AS & A级(AICE)和 国际文凭课程(DP). 详细信息 接收这些转移信用可以在 司法常务官办公室.
    • 转学: For information about receiving transfer credit from previous college or university 课程作业,请复习 转移评估与政策.
    • 正式文件应邮寄至:

    格里利,CO 80639美国

    Unofficial copies of your international academic document(s) can be submitted at the 申请时间只作覆核用途. 如果被录取,你将被要求 submit final official documents to the 研究生 School 和 国际皇冠app官方版下载 在你第一学期学习结束前到办公室. 您将无法注册 for a second semester if official transcripts are not received.

    您的学术文件的非正式副本可以发送到 international@ycdwkj666.com.

    注意: UNC reserves the right to require official transcripts at any time during the application process 和 to rescind any offer of admission made if discrepancies between unofficial 和 official transcript(s) are found, if it is discovered that the educational history was incomplete, if there is any suspected forgery of the unofficial transcript, or if upon final GPA 和 degree verification it is discovered that the minimum admissions 没有满足需求.

  • 平均绩点要求

    • 成绩单 from previously attended institutions are evaluated by the 国际 皇冠app官方版下载团队和一个美国专家小组.S. 平均绩点相当于4分.0标度计算.
    • 本科申请者应达到2.相当于5 GPA
    • 研究生申请者应达到3分.相当于0 GPA
  • 英语水平分数

    Applicants are required to demonstrate English language proficiency by one of the 后:

    • 提交可接受的英语水平测试结果
    • Having completed previous education in a recognized English-speaking country within 过去两年
    • 完成UNC的 强化英语课程



    • TOEFL iBT: 72 with cut scores no lower than: Listening (16), Reading (16), Speaking (18)和写作(18)
    • 雅思:6.得分不低于5分.在下列各熟练领域取得5项成绩: 听力,阅读,写作和口语
    • English3 Proficiency Test: 60 E3PT with a minimum of 1以下各5项: 口语,阅读,听力和写作.
    • UNC IEP: 6级 


    • TOEFL iBT: 80 with cut scores no lower than: Listening (16), Reading (16), Speaking (20)和写作(22)
    • 雅思:6.5 with subscores no lower than 6 in each of the following proficiency areas: 听力,阅读,写作和口语.
    • 英语三级水平测试:67 E3PT,最低16分.以下各5项: 口语,阅读,听力和写作.
    • UNC IEP: 7级

    错误 Some graduate 程序s may have higher English proficiency score requirements, including 教授美国手语M.A. 和 教授美国手语M.A.世界语言(K-12年级).


  • 财务文件

    请注意: These documents are only required for applicants who will be coming to the United 州.

    •  Applicants need to provide proof of funding for one year of study at UNC. 为 2019-2020学年资助金额为:
      • IEP申请人$31,060
      • 本科申请者39,466美元
      • 研究生(硕士)申请者40,130美元
      • 研究生(博士)申请者42,130美元.
    • 财务文件 must be dated within the last six (6) months.
    • 可接受的财务单据形式包括:
      • 支票和/或储蓄账户的银行对账单
      • 银行抬头的证明文件
      • 贵国政府的财政担保
      • Scholarship/assistantship award letters 和 loan confirmation letters.
    • An affidavit of support needs to accompany bank statements that are not issued in 学生的名字. 
    • Scholarship award letters must indicate the initial term (semester) of attendance 有效期为一年.
    • If you will have dependents (spouse 和/or children) coming to the US with you, please 也为他们展示资金。
      • 第一个受抚养人6000美元
      • 每增加一名受抚养人5000美元.
    • You will upload your financial documents after you have been admitted 和 provided 设置您的UNC全球帐户的信息.
  • 护照复印件

    • Please provide a clear, high resolution photocopy of the bio-page (photo-page) of 你的护照
    • 如果你目前在美国.S. 请附上签证复印件
    • If you are planning to bring your dependents (spouse 和/or children) to the U.S., please submit photocopies of their passports 和 proof of relationship (marriage certificate, 儿童出生证明).
  • 补充材料(研究生申请者)

    Some graduate 程序s require supplemental application materials. 一定要检查一下 与你的 程序 查明是否需要任何额外的材料(i.e., GRE成绩, Purpose, Letters of Recommendation, Supplemental Data Form, Audition, Interview, etc.).

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